Brain-Boosting Adaptogen Gingerbread Cookies

Brain-Boosting Adaptogen Gingerbread Cookies

Nothing is more comforting than the smell of freshly baked gingerbread cookies, which has been a holiday tradition for many for hundreds of years. Gingerbread cookies are not only a holiday favourite, but a tasty little cheat snack most of us hide in our pantries. We've taken the traditional gingerbread recipe and further enhanced it with healthy brain-boosting adaptogens, giving you a reason to (occasionally) cheat on the diet. This recipe is super fun to make and decorate with the whole family.

Full Recipe Below

Brain-Boosting Adaptogen Gingerbread Cookies

Brain-Boosting Adaptogen Gingerbread Cookies

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*Remove powder from capsules to use within the recipe as directed

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